Making Lead Sinkers


TITLE Making Lead Sinkers

SPEAKER Mrs. Linda (Loyagan) Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE November 26, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS14B2 (Just near the beginning)


AUDIENCE Recorded privately in my office

STYLE Semi-formal

GENRE Explanatory

TRANSCRIBED Aurelio Linggan

INTERLINEARIZED March 1991 (RH) - Redone May91 and Nov91

MU227001 001

   Spoken: Kuntee    eg-inse-inse              si         maama   keg  
   Formal: Kuntee    eg-inse-inse              si         maama   ke   
 Phonemic: kunte­e   ­eg­inse­inse­            si         ma­ama  ke   
  Lexemes: kunte­e   ­eg- =rdpRT-=­inse­       si         ma­ama  ke   
  Lex POS: adv       v_aff=v_aff =v_rt         cmk        n       conj 
Lex Gloss: now/today NP   =INT   =question/ask F_PERS(sg) brother if   
 Word POS: adv       v                         cmk        n       conj 
Wrd Gloss: now       keep_asking               -          brother if   

   Spoken: menuwen          teg gimu          kag ngaranan          ney        
   Formal: egmenuwen        te  eggimu        ka  egngaranan        ney        
 Phonemic: ­egmenuen        te  ­eghimu       ka2 ­eg¥adanan        ney        
  Lexemes: ­eg- =menu=-en   te  ­eg- =himu    ka2 ­eg- =¥adan=-an   ney        
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt=v_aff cmk v_aff=v_rt    cmk v_aff=n    =v_aff pron       
Lex Gloss: NP   =how =ObF   NF  NP   =make/do F   NP   =name =LocF  1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                cmk v             cmk v                 pron       
Wrd Gloss: why              -   make/do       the named             we(excl)   

   Spoken: te  timehe      ne  igbatu       te  biyale,  pukut,        ne  
   Formal: te  timehe      ne  igbatu       te  biyale   pukut         ne  
 Phonemic: te  timege­     ne  ­igbatu      te  biale­   pukut         ne  
  Lexemes: te  timege­     ne  ­ig-   =batu te  biale­   pukut         ne  
  Lex POS: cmk n           lnk v_aff  =n    cmk n        n             lnk 
Lex Gloss: NF  lead/sinker LNK NP_AccF=rock NF  fish_net fish_net      LNK 
 Word POS: cmk n           lnk v            cmk n        n             lnk 
Wrd Gloss: -   sinker      -   weigh_down   to  fish_net long_fish_net -   

   Spoken: iggingutel          te  ngalap      diye  te  weyig.      
   Formal: iggingutel          te  ngalap      diye  te  weyig       
 Phonemic: ­iggi¥utel          te  ¥alap       die­  te  weig        
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =giN-=­utel  te  ¥alap       die­  te  weig        
  Lex POS: v_aff  =*** =v_rt   cmk n           dem   cmk n           
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=*** =obtain NF  animal/meat there NF  water/river 
 Word POS: v                   cmk n           dem   cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: catch               -   fish        there in  water       

Today big brother keeps questioning about how to make what we call sinkers that are used to weigh down round nets and long nets that are used to catch fish there in the water.

Today big brother keeps asking about how to make sinkers for round and long nets for catching fish in the river.

iggingutel: giN/hiN+delC prefix???

MU227001 002

   Spoken: Se  ayatanan  teg gimuwen             ka  timehe      aney-aney    
   Formal: Se  ayatanan  te  eggimuwen           ka  timehe      aney-aney    
 Phonemic: se  ­ayatanan te  ­eghimuen           ka2 timege­     ­aney­aney   
  Lexemes: se  ­ayatanan te  ­eg- =himu   =-en   ka2 timege­     rdpRT-=­aney 
  Lex POS: cmk n         cmk v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff cmk n           v_aff =adv   
Lex Gloss: F   reason    NF  NP   =make/do=ObF   F   lead/sinker INT   =first 
 Word POS: cmk n         cmk v                   cmk n           adv          
Wrd Gloss: the reason    -   make/do             the sinker      firstly      

   Spoken: egbeliyen        diye  te  tindaan.            
   Formal: egbeliyen        diye  te  tindaan             
 Phonemic: ­egbelien        die­  te  tindaan             
  Lexemes: ­eg- =beli=-en   die­  te  tinda        =-an   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt=v_aff dem   cmk v_rt         =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: NP   =buy =ObF   there NF  operate_store=LocF  
 Word POS: v                dem   cmk v                   
Wrd Gloss: buy              there at  store               

The way to make a sinker, firstly buy it there at a store.

To make a sinker, firstly buy (some lead) at a store.

Note that 'timehŠ' can mean either 'lead' or 'a sinker'.

MU227001 003

   Spoken: Diye  te  derakel      ne  me     tindaan.            
   Formal: Diye  te  derakel      ne  me     tindaan             
 Phonemic: die­  te  dedakel      ne  me1    tindaan             
  Lexemes: die­  te  rdpCV-=dakel ne  me1    tinda        =-an   
  Lex POS: dem   cmk ***   =adj   lnk adt    v_rt         =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: there NF  PLURAL=big   LNK PLURAL operate_store=LocF  
 Word POS: dem   cmk adj          lnk adt    v                   
Wrd Gloss: there at  big(pl)      -   -      store               

There at the big stores.

There at the big stores.

MU227001 004

   Spoken: Mahal     sika ka  kilu     te  timehe.     
   Formal: Mahal     sika ka  kilu     te  timehe      
 Phonemic: magal     sika ka2 kilu     te  timege­     
  Lexemes: magal     sika ka2 kilu     te  timege­     
  Lex POS: adj       pron cmk n        cmk n           
Lex Gloss: expensive that F   kilogram NF  lead/sinker 
 Word POS: adj       pron cmk n        cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: expensive that the kilogram of  lead        

That's expensive, one kilogram of lead.

One kilogram of lead is very expensive.

MU227001 005

   Spoken: Ne  ligkat diyet     tindaan             manipis     pad    balu,  
   Formal: Ne  ligkat diye  te  tindaan             manipis     pad    balu   
 Phonemic: ne  ligkat die­ #te  tindaan             manipis     pad    balu­  
  Lexemes: ne  ligkat die­ #te  tinda        =-an   mA1-=nipis  pad    balu­  
  Lex POS: lnk v_rt   dem  #cmk v_rt         =v_aff aff =adj_rt part   adj    
Lex Gloss: LNK source there#NF  operate_store=LocF  ADJR=thin   INCOMP almost 
 Word POS: lnk v      dem  #cmk v                   adj         part   adj    
Wrd Gloss: -   from   there#at  store               thin        still  almost 

   Spoken: ma, balu   malibusen    piru manipis.    
   Formal: -   balu   malibusen    piru manipis     
 Phonemic: -   balu­  malibusen    pidu manipis     
  Lexemes: -   balu­  mA1-=libusen pidu mA1-=nipis  
  Lex POS: -   adj    aff =adj_rt  conj aff =adj_rt 
Lex Gloss: -   almost ADJR=round   but  ADJR=thin   
 Word POS: -   adj    adj          conj adj         
Wrd Gloss: -   almost round        but  thin        

From the store it is round, almost - almost round but thin.

From the store it is roundish but thin.

MU227001 006

   Spoken: Ne  due      lungag diye  te  elat.  
   Formal: Ne  due      lungag diye  te  elat   
 Phonemic: ne  du­e1    lu¥ag  die­  te  ­elat  
  Lexemes: ne  du­e1    lu¥ag  die­  te  ­elat  
  Lex POS: lnk psd_v    n      dem   cmk n      
Lex Gloss: LNK there_is hole   there NF  middle 
 Word POS: lnk psd_v    n      dem   cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: -   there_is hole   there in  middle 

There is a hole there in the middle.

It has a hole in the centre.

MU227001 007

   Spoken: Pekeuma      rini     te  kateu      neg pangimu             te  
   Formal: Pekeuma      rini     te  kateu      ne  egpangimu           te  
 Phonemic: peke­uma     dini     te  kate­u     ne  ­egpa¥imu           te  
  Lexemes: pAkA-=­uma   dini     te  kA1- =te­u ne  ­eg- =paN- =himu    te  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt   loc_pron cmk v_aff=v_rt lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    cmk 
Lex Gloss: INVOL=arrive here     NF  INVOL=know LNK NP   =DISTR=make/do NF  
 Word POS: v            loc_pron cmk v          lnk v                   cmk 
Wrd Gloss: arrive       here     at  know_how   -   make(often)         -   

   Spoken: biyale,  ka  amey   iya  ni              Amadu  kag kateu            neg 
   Formal: biyale   ka  amey   iya  ni              Amadu  ka  egkateu          ne  
 Phonemic: biale­   ka2 ­amey  ­ia  ni              ­amadu ka2 ­egkate­u        ne  
  Lexemes: biale­   ka2 ­amey  ­ia  ni              ­amadu ka2 ­eg- =kA1- =te­u ne  
  Lex POS: n        cmk n      part cmk             prop_n cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt lnk 
Lex Gloss: fish_net F   father that NF(II)_PERS(sg) Amadu  F   NP   =INVOL=know LNK 
 Word POS: n        cmk n      part cmk             prop_n cmk v                lnk 
Wrd Gloss: fish_net the father that of              Amadu  the know_how         -   

   Spoken: pangimu             te  biyale.  
   Formal: egpangimu           te  biyale   
 Phonemic: ­egpa¥imu           te  biale­   
  Lexemes: ­eg- =paN- =himu    te  biale­   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    cmk n        
Lex Gloss: NP   =DISTR=make/do NF  fish_net 
 Word POS: v                   cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: make(often)         of  fish_net 

Having arrived here to the one who is able to make nets - the father of Amadu is the one who knows how to make nets.

Go to a person who knows how to make nets - the father of Amadu knows how to do it.

MU227001 008

   Spoken: Neg beliyen          ded           degma ka  naylun. 
   Formal: ne  egbeliyen        ded           degma ka  naylun  
 Phonemic: ne  ­egbelien        ded           degma ka2 naylun  
  Lexemes: ne  ­eg- =beli=-en   de­ =-d       degma ka2 naylun  
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_rt=v_aff part=nonv_aff adt   cmk n       
Lex Gloss: LNK NP   =buy =ObF   only=COMPL    also  F   nylon   
 Word POS: lnk v                part          adt   cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: -   buy              just_COMPL    also  the nylon   

And also buy the nylon.

Buy the nylon also.

This is an afterthough which should precede the previous sentence.

MU227001 009

   Spoken: Hanew    ta         ke   diye  buwa  te  kilu     egbeliya           
   Formal: Hanew    ta         ke   diye  buwa  te  kilu     egbeliya           
 Phonemic: hanew    ta         ke   die­  bua   te  kilu     ­egbelia           
  Lexemes: hanew    ta         ke   die­  bua   te  kilu     ­eg- =beli=-a      
  Lex POS: v        pron       conj dem   part  cmk n        v_aff=v_rt=v_aff   
Lex Gloss: not_know 1pi_NF(II) if   there maybe NF  kilogram NP   =buy =UnA_ObF 
 Word POS: v        pron       conj dem   part  cmk n        v                  
Wrd Gloss: not_know we(incl)   if   there maybe by  kilogram buy                

   Spoken: seeye      se  naylun. 
   Formal: seeye      se  naylun  
 Phonemic: se­eye­    se  naylun  
  Lexemes: se­eye­    se  naylun  
  Lex POS: dem        cmk n       
Lex Gloss: that_there F   nylon   
 Word POS: dem        cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: there      the nylon   

We don't know if there perhaps (we) buy that nylon by the kilo.

I don't know if you buy the nylon by the kilogram.

MU227001 010

   Spoken: Ne  diye  kun        de   egbeliya           te  Dabaw  seeye      
   Formal: Ne  diye  kun        de   egbeliya           te  Dabaw  seeye      
 Phonemic: ne  die­  kun        de­  ­egbelia           te  Dabaw  se­eye­    
  Lexemes: ne  die­  kun        de­  ­eg- =beli=-a      te  Dabaw  se­eye­    
  Lex POS: lnk dem   adt        part v_aff=v_rt=v_aff   cmk prop_n dem        
Lex Gloss: LNK there it_is_said only NP   =buy =UnA_ObF NF  Davao  that_there 
 Word POS: lnk dem   adt        part v                  cmk prop_n dem        
Wrd Gloss: -   there quotative  just buy                at  Davao  there      

   Spoken: se  naylun. 
   Formal: se  naylun  
 Phonemic: se  naylun  
  Lexemes: se  naylun  
  Lex POS: cmk n       
Lex Gloss: F   nylon   
 Word POS: cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: the nylon   

They just say buy just that nylon in Davao.

They say you buy just the nylon in Davao.

MU227001 011

   Spoken: Ne  piru ka  timehe      ahad   due   te  Budda  due.     
   Formal: Ne  piru ka  timehe      ahad   due   te  Budda  due      
 Phonemic: ne  pidu ka2 timege­     ­agad  du­e2 te  Budda  du­e1    
  Lexemes: ne  pidu ka2 timege­     ­agad  du­e2 te  Budda  du­e1    
  Lex POS: lnk conj cmk n           conj   pron  cmk prop_n psd_v    
Lex Gloss: LNK but  F   lead/sinker though there NF  Budda  there_is 
 Word POS: lnk conj cmk n           conj   pron  cmk prop_n psd_v    
Wrd Gloss: -   but  the lead        even   there at  Budda  there_is 

But the lead, even there at Budda there is some.

But even at Budda they have lead.

Notice the two different meanings of 'due'.

MU227001 012

   Spoken: Seeye      de   se  naylun ka  diyeg beliya             te  Dabaw. 
   Formal: Seeye      de   se  naylun ka  diye  egbeliya           te  Dabaw  
 Phonemic: se­eye­    de­  se  naylun ka2 die­  ­egbelia           te  Dabaw  
  Lexemes: se­eye­    de­  se  naylun ka2 die­  ­eg- =beli=-a      te  Dabaw  
  Lex POS: dem        part cmk n      cmk dem   v_aff=v_rt=v_aff   cmk prop_n 
Lex Gloss: that_there only F   nylon  F   there NP   =buy =UnA_ObF NF  Davao  
 Word POS: dem        part cmk n      cmk dem   v                  cmk prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: there      just the nylon  the there buy                at  Davao  

Just the nylon is what must be bought at Davao.

Only the nylon needs to be bought in Davao.

To travel to Davao to do shopping is very far and expensive for Matigsalugs.

MU227001 013

   Spoken: Bebelik         amey   ni              Amadu  te  timehe,     me    
   Formal: bebeli      ka  amey   ni              Amadu  te  timehe      me    
 Phonemic: bebeli     #ka2 ­amey  ni              ­amadu te  timege­     me2   
  Lexemes: rdpCV-=beli#ka2 ­amey  ni              ­amadu te  timege­     me2   
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_rt#cmk n      cmk             prop_n cmk n           adt   
Lex Gloss: -     =buy #F   father NF(II)_PERS(sg) Amadu  NF  lead/sinker about 
 Word POS: v          #cmk n      cmk             prop_n cmk n           adt   
Wrd Gloss: buy        #the father of              Amadu  of  lead        about 

   Spoken: sabekan    kilu.    
   Formal: sabeka ne  kilu     
 Phonemic: sabeka#ne  kilu     
  Lexemes: sabeka#ne  kilu     
  Lex POS: num   #lnk n        
Lex Gloss: one   #LNK kilogram 
 Word POS: adj   #lnk n        
Wrd Gloss: one   #-   kilogram 

The father of Amadu buys lead - about one kilogram.

Amadu's father buys lead - about one kilogram.

The genre of the story seems to have changed to narrative now.

MU227001 014

   Spoken: Uli              es              Anggam. 
   Formal: uli              e    si         Anggam  
 Phonemic: ­uli­            ­e  #si         ­a¥gam  
  Lexemes: ­uli­            ­e  #si         ­a¥gam  
  Lex POS: v_rt             part#cmk        n       
Lex Gloss: return_home/heal COMP#F_PERS(sg) uncle   
 Word POS: v                part#cmk        n       
Wrd Gloss: return_home      COMP#-          uncle   

Uncle returns home.

Uncle returns home.

Now we have a specific person in the narrative. Note that "anggam" (uncle) can be used as a proper noun with the "si" marker.

MU227001 015

   Spoken: Pekeuma      riyet     ugpaan       din, egpangimu           e    regma 
   Formal: Pekeuma      riye  te  ugpaan       din  egpangimu           e    regma 
 Phonemic: peke­uma     die­ #te  ­ugpa­an     din  ­egpa¥imu           ­e   degma 
  Lexemes: pAkA-=­uma   die­ #te  ­ugpe­=-an   din  ­eg- =paN- =himu    ­e   degma 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt   dem  #cmk v_rt  =v_aff pron v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    part adt   
Lex Gloss: INVOL=arrive there#NF  stay  =LocF  3s_F NP   =DISTR=make/do COMP also  
 Word POS: v            dem  #cmk n            pron v                   part adt   
Wrd Gloss: arrive       there#to  home         his  make(often)         COMP also  

   Spoken: te  kayu      neg sapsapan,           manipis,    ne  me    subra          
   Formal: te  kayu      ne  egsapsapan          manipis     ne  me    subla          
 Phonemic: te  kayu      ne  ­egsapsapan         manipis     ne  me2   subla          
  Lexemes: te  kayu      ne  ­eg- =sapsap =-an   mA1-=nipis  ne  me2   subla          
  Lex POS: cmk n         lnk v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff aff =adj_rt lnk adt   adj            
Lex Gloss: NF  tree/wood LNK NP   =whittle=LocF  ADJR=thin   LNK about very/exceeding 
 Word POS: cmk n         lnk v                   adj         lnk adt   adj            
Wrd Gloss: of  wood      -   whittle             thin        -   about exceeding      

   Spoken: te  senge rangew    se  kaluahan,      ne  daruwan        dangew    
   Formal: te  senge rangew    se  kaluahan       ne  daruwa     ne  dangew    
 Phonemic: te  se¥e  da¥ew     se  kalu­agan      ne  dadua     #ne  da¥ew     
  Lexemes: te  se¥e  da¥ew     se  kA><an-=lu­ag  ne  rdpCa-=dua#ne  da¥ew     
  Lex POS: cmk adj   n         cmk v_aff  =adj_rt lnk num_af=num#lnk n         
Lex Gloss: NF  one   hand_span F   NOM    =wide   LNK -     =two#LNK hand_span 
 Word POS: cmk adj   n         cmk n              lnk n         #lnk n         
Wrd Gloss: -   one   hand_span the width          -   two       #-   hand_span 

   Spoken: se  kalayatan.     
   Formal: se  kalayatan      
 Phonemic: se  kalayatan      
  Lexemes: se  kA><an-=layat  
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff  =adj_rt 
Lex Gloss: F   NOM    =long   
 Word POS: cmk n              
Wrd Gloss: the length         

Having returned to his home, he also makes some whittled wood, thin, the width is about more than one hand span and the length is two hand spans.

He returns home and trims a thin piece of wood to about one hand span wide and two hand spans long.

MU227001 016

   Spoken: Eglungahan        e    sika se  kayu      ne  manipis.    
   Formal: Eglungahan        e    sika se  kayu      ne  manipis     
 Phonemic: ­eglu¥agan        ­e   sika se  kayu      ne  manipis     
  Lexemes: ­eg- =lu¥ag=-an   ­e   sika se  kayu      ne  mA1-=nipis  
  Lex POS: v_aff=n    =v_aff part pron cmk n         lnk aff =adj_rt 
Lex Gloss: NP   =hole =LocF  COMP that F   tree/wood LNK ADJR=thin   
 Word POS: v                 part pron cmk n         lnk adj         
Wrd Gloss: make_a_hole       COMP that the wood      -   thin        

He makes holes in that thin wood.

He makes holes in the thin piece of wood.

MU227001 017

   Spoken: Neg ay-ayaran                   teg lungag,     kene  egkeilus          
   Formal: ne  eg-ay-ayaran                te  eglungag    kene  egkeilus          
 Phonemic: ne  ­eg­ay­ayadan               te  ­eglu¥ag    kene­ ­egke­ilus        
  Lexemes: ne  ­eg- =rdpCVC-=­ayad  =-an   te  ­eg- =lu¥ag kene­ ­eg- =kA1- =­ilus 
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt   =v_aff cmk v_aff=n     adv   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  
Lex Gloss: LNK NP   =INT    =careful=LocF  NF  NP   =hole  not   NP   =INVOL=taper 
 Word POS: lnk v                           cmk v           adv   v                 
Wrd Gloss: -   be_careful                  -   make_a_hole don't become_tapered    

   Spoken: su         iyan ded           iya  seg ay-ayaran                   teg 
   Formal: su         iyan ded           iya  se  eg-ay-ayaran                te  
 Phonemic: su         ­ian ded           ­ia  se  ­eg­ay­ayadan               te  
  Lexemes: su         ­ian de­ =-d       ­ia  se  ­eg- =rdpCVC-=­ayad  =-an   te  
  Lex POS: conj       dem  part=nonv_aff part cmk v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt   =v_aff cmk 
Lex Gloss: because/so that only=COMPL    that F   NP   =INT    =careful=LocF  NF  
 Word POS: conj       dem  part          part cmk v                           cmk 
Wrd Gloss: because    that just_COMPL    that the be_careful                  -   

   Spoken: lungag.     
   Formal: eglungag    
 Phonemic: ­eglu¥ag    
  Lexemes: ­eg- =lu¥ag 
  Lex POS: v_aff=n     
Lex Gloss: NP   =hole  
 Word POS: v           
Wrd Gloss: make_a_hole 

So be careful making the hole, don't become tapered because that's why you are careful making the hole.

So be careful making the hole so that is doesn't become tapered.

MU227001 018

   Spoken: Kataman     keimpusan       teg lungag      ka  kayu      egkuwe     
   Formal: Kataman     keimpusan       te  eglungag    ka  kayu      egkuwe     
 Phonemic: kataman     ke­impusan      te  ­eglu¥ag    ka2 kayu      ­egkue     
  Lexemes: kA1- =taman kA><an-=­impus  te  ­eg- =lu¥ag ka2 kayu      ­eg- =kua  
  Lex POS: v_aff=adv   v_aff  =v_rt    cmk v_aff=n     cmk n         v_aff=v_rt 
Lex Gloss: INVOL=until NOM    =finish  NF  NP   =hole  F   tree/wood NP   =get  
 Word POS: v           v               cmk v           cmk n         v          
Wrd Gloss: until       having_finished -   make_a_hole the wood      take       

   Spoken: e    te  kalan       ka  ameyn                  Amadu. 
   Formal: e    te  kalan       ka  amey   ni              Amadu  
 Phonemic: ­e   te  kalan       ka2 ­amey #ni              ­amadu 
  Lexemes: ­e   te  kalan       ka2 ­amey #ni              ­amadu 
  Lex POS: part cmk n           cmk n     #cmk             prop_n 
Lex Gloss: COMP NF  cogon_grass F   father#NF(II)_PERS(sg) Amadu  
 Word POS: part cmk n           cmk n     #cmk             prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: COMP -   cogon_grass the father#of              Amadu  

After having finished making holes in the wood, Amadu's father gets some cogon grass.

After having finished making holes in the wood, Amadu's father gets some cogon grass.

MU227001 019

   Spoken: Ne  ka      kalan       panggepuen        alaheen       ka  eleg  te  
   Formal: Ne  ka      kalan       panggepuen        alaheen       ka  eleg  te  
 Phonemic: ne  ka1     kalan       pa¥gepu­en        ­alage­en     ka2 ­eleg te  
  Lexemes: ne  ka1     kalan       paN- =gepu­=-en   ­alage­=-en   ka2 ­eleg te  
  Lex POS: lnk pron    n           v_aff=v_rt =v_aff n      =v_aff cmk adj   cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK 2s_F    cogon_grass DISTR=break=ObF   amount =ObF   F   true  NF  
 Word POS: lnk pron    n           v                 v             cmk adj   cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   you(sg) cogon_grass break_up          measure       the true  to  

   Spoken: lungag ne  igpatalu           rin  seeye      se  tikeg te  kalan.      
   Formal: lungag ne  igpatalu           rin  seeye      se  tikeg te  kalan       
 Phonemic: lu¥ag  ne  ­igpatalu          din  se­eye­    se  tikeg te  kalan       
  Lexemes: lu¥ag  ne  ­ig-   =pA-  =talu din  se­eye­    se  tikeg te  kalan       
  Lex POS: n      lnk v_aff  =v_aff=v_rt pron dem        cmk n     cmk n           
Lex Gloss: hole   LNK NP_AccF=CAUS =join 3s_F that_there F   stem  NF  cogon_grass 
 Word POS: n      lnk v                  pron dem        cmk n     cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: hole   -   join               he   there      the stem  of  cogon_grass 

So break up the cogon grass measured correct to the hole, and he fits in that stem of cogon grass.

So break up the cogon grass to fit in the hole and fit the stem of the cogon grass into the hole.

MU227001 020

   Spoken: Pekeimpus    sikandin, egtetemeg               e    riye  te  tane.  
   Formal: Pekeimpus    sikandin  egtetemeg               e    riye  te  tane   
 Phonemic: peke­impus   sikandin  ­egtetemeg              ­e   die­  te  tane­  
  Lexemes: pAkA-=­impus sikandin  ­eg- =rdpCV-=temeg      ­e   die­  te  tane­  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt   pron      v_aff=v_aff =v_rt       part dem   cmk n      
Lex Gloss: INVOL=finish 3s_F      NP   =-     =stoke_fire COMP there NF  earth  
 Word POS: v            pron      v                       part dem   cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: finish       he        stoke                   COMP there on  ground 

Once he's finished, he stokes up there on the ground.

Once he's finished, he gets a fire going on the ground.

MU227001 021

   Spoken: Kuwe e    te  lata      ne  sika se  salmunan       ne  ahad   
   Formal: Kuwe e    te  lata      ne  sika se  salmunan       ne  ahad   
 Phonemic: kue  ­e   te  lata      ne  sika se  saluman        ne  ­agad  
  Lexemes: kua  ­e   te  lata      ne  sika se  salmun  =-an   ne  ­agad  
  Lex POS: v_rt part cmk n         lnk pron cmk n       =v_aff lnk conj   
Lex Gloss: get  COMP NF  large_can LNK that F   sardines=LocF  LNK though 
 Word POS: v    part cmk n         lnk pron cmk v              lnk conj   
Wrd Gloss: take COMP -   large_can -   that the sardine_can    -   even   

   Spoken: mareet      e.   
   Formal: mareet      e    
 Phonemic: made­et     ­e   
  Lexemes: mA1-=de­et  ­e   
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt part 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=bad    COMP 
 Word POS: adj         part 
Wrd Gloss: bad         COMP 

Get a large can or a sardine can even if it's already bad.

Get a can, even a sardine can, even if it's already bad.

Bad here means going rusty.

MU227001 022

   Spoken: Egkemien          din  e    ka  be-be  te  lata      ne  
   Formal: Egkemien          din  e    ka  be-be  te  lata      ne  
 Phonemic: ­egkemi­en        din  ­e   ka2 be­be­ te  lata      ne  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kemi­=-en   din  ­e   ka2 be­be­ te  lata      ne  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron part cmk n      cmk n         lnk 
Lex Gloss: NP   =dent =ObF   3s_F COMP F   mouth  NF  large_can LNK 
 Word POS: v                 pron part cmk n      cmk n         lnk 
Wrd Gloss: flatten           he   COMP the mouth  of  large_can -   

   Spoken: igpanahu               e    ka  timehe      me    tatelu       ne  malisen 
   Formal: igpanahu               e    ka  timehe      me    tatelu       ne  malisen 
 Phonemic: ­igpanagu­             ­e   ka2 timege­     me2   tatelu       ne  malisen 
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =paN- =tagu­    ­e   ka2 timege­     me2   rdpCa-=telu  ne  malisen 
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_aff=v_rt     part cmk n           adt   num_af=num   lnk n       
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=DISTR=put_away COMP F   lead/sinker about -     =three LNK unit    
 Word POS: v                      part cmk n           adt   adj          lnk n       
Wrd Gloss: put_away               COMP the lead        about three        -   unit    

   Spoken: ka  igtahu           diye  te  lata.     
   Formal: ka  igtahu           diye  te  lata      
 Phonemic: ka2 ­igtagu­         die­  te  lata      
  Lexemes: ka2 ­ig-   =tagu­    die­  te  lata      
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff  =v_rt     dem   cmk n         
Lex Gloss: F   NP_AccF=put_away there NF  large_can 
 Word POS: cmk v                dem   cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: the put_away         there in  large_can 

Flatten the mouth of the can and put in the lead, about three round pieces put there into the can.

Flatten the mouth of the can and put in about three round pieces of the lead.

MU227001 023

   Spoken: Tetemeg           es   kandin,  dakel    e    ka  hapuy. 
   Formal: tetemeg           e    sikandin dakel    e    ka  hapuy  
 Phonemic: tetemeg           ­e   sikandin dakel    ­e   ka2 hapuy  
  Lexemes: rdpCV-=temeg      ­e   sikandin dakel    ­e   ka2 hapuy  
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_rt       part pron     adj      part cmk n      
Lex Gloss: -     =stoke_fire COMP 3s_F     big/many COMP F   fire   
 Word POS: v                 part pron     adj      part cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: stoke_fire        COMP he       big      COMP the fire   

He stokes up, the fire is already big.

He stokes up the fire - it's big now.

MU227001 024

   Spoken: Penekpenek igsubbuk         din  e    seeye      se  lata,      
   Formal: Penekpenek igsubbuk         din  e    seeye      se  lata      
 Phonemic: penekpenek ­igsubbuk        din  ­e   se­eye­    se  lata      
  Lexemes: penekpenek ­ig-   =subbuk   din  ­e   se­eye­    se  lata      
  Lex POS: v_rt       v_aff  =v_rt     pron part dem        cmk n         
Lex Gloss: next       NP_AccF=put_into 3s_F COMP that_there F   large_can 
 Word POS: ?          v                pron part pron       cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: next       put_into         he   COMP there      the large_can 

   Spoken: ig-anag             din  e    diye  te  hapuy. 
   Formal: ig-anag             din  e    diye  te  hapuy  
 Phonemic: ­ig­anag            din  ­e   die­  te  hapuy  
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =­anag       din  ­e   die­  te  hapuy  
  Lex POS: v_aff  =n           pron part dem   cmk n      
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=cooking_pot 3s_F COMP there NF  fire   
 Word POS: v                   pron part dem   cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: place_on_heat       he   COMP there on  fire   

Next he puts the can in, places it there on the fire.

Next he takes the can and places it on the fire.

What is the range of meaning of 'ig-anag'? It can also mean to put onto low heat (by removing the firewood and only leaving the embers).

MU227001 025

   Spoken: Neg meinit            e    ka  lata      nekey naa     iya  teg 
   Formal: ne  egmeinit          e    ka  lata      nekey naa     iya  te  
 Phonemic: ne  ­egme­init        ­e   ka2 lata      nekey na­a    ­ia  te  
  Lexemes: ne  ­eg- =mA1-=­init  ­e   ka2 lata      nekey na­a    ­ia  te  
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=aff =adj_rt part cmk n         pron  part    part cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK NP   =ADJR=hot    COMP F   large_can what  so/then that NF  
 Word POS: lnk v                 part cmk n         pron  part    part cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   become_hot        COMP the large_can what  then    that -   

   Spoken: kalekale           seeye      se  timehe.     
   Formal: egkale-kale        seeye      se  timehe      
 Phonemic: ­egkale­kale­      se­eye­    se  timege­     
  Lexemes: ­eg- =rdpRT-=kale­ se­eye­    se  timege­     
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  dem        cmk n           
Lex Gloss: NP   =INT   =boil  that_there F   lead/sinker 
 Word POS: v                  pron       cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: boil               there      the lead        

And the can becomes hot and what then but that that lead boils.

And the can becomes hot and what do you know - the lead boils.

MU227001 026

   Spoken: Penekpenek katunew     e    ka  timehe,     pekeiling     e    te  
   Formal: Penekpenek katunew     e    ka  timehe      pekeiling     e    te  
 Phonemic: penekpenek katunew     ­e   ka2 timege­     peke­ili¥     ­e   te  
  Lexemes: penekpenek kA1- =tunew ­e   ka2 timege­     pAkA-=­ili¥   ­e   te  
  Lex POS: v_rt       v_aff=v_rt  part cmk n           v_aff=v_rt    part cmk 
Lex Gloss: next       INVOL=melt  COMP F   lead/sinker INVOL=be_like COMP NF  
 Word POS: ?          v           part cmk n           v             part cmk 
Wrd Gloss: next       melt        COMP the lead        like          COMP -   

   Spoken: weyig,      egmalamiyak       e    ka  timehe.     
   Formal: weyig       egmalamiyak       e    ka  timehe      
 Phonemic: weig        ­egmalamiak       ­e   ka2 timege­     
  Lexemes: weig        ­eg- =mA1-=lamiak ­e   ka2 timege­     
  Lex POS: n           v_aff=aff =adj_rt part cmk n           
Lex Gloss: water/river NP   =ADJR=watery COMP F   lead/sinker 
 Word POS: n           v                 part cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: water       become_watery     COMP the lead        

Next the lead melts like water, the lead becomes watery.

Next the lead melts like water and becomes liquid.

MU227001 027

   Spoken: Egkulibulen         din  e    ke   warad          migmalibusen       
   Formal: Egkulibulen         din  e    ke   warad          migmalibusen       
 Phonemic: ­egkulibulen        din  ­e   ke   wadad          migmalibusen       
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kulibul=-en   din  ­e   ke   wade­=-d       mig- =mA1-=libusen 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff pron part conj adv  =nonv_aff v_aff=aff =adj_rt  
Lex Gloss: NP   =stir   =ObF   3s_F COMP if   no   =COMPL    P    =ADJR=round   
 Word POS: v                   pron part conj adt            v                  
Wrd Gloss: stir                he   COMP if   no_more        became_round       

   Spoken: diye  te  diralem          te  lata.     
   Formal: diye  te  diralem          te  lata      
 Phonemic: die­  te  didalem          te  lata      
  Lexemes: die­  te  di-  =dalem      te  lata      
  Lex POS: dem   cmk v_aff=prep_rt    cmk n         
Lex Gloss: there NF  POS  =below/deep NF  large_can 
 Word POS: dem   cmk n                cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: there in  depth            of  large_can 

He stirs it until there are no round bits there in the bottom of the can.

He stirs it until no round bits remain in the bottom of the can.

This is an interesting use of 'ke' - usually if means 'if' but here it seems to mean 'until'. (There is no other Matigsalug word for 'until').

MU227001 028

   Spoken: Kulibulen     din  te  eg-ugpitan         din  ne  ahad   laak   kayu      
   Formal: Kulibulen     din  te  eg-ugpitan         din  ne  ahad   laak   kayu      
 Phonemic: kulibulen     din  te  ­eg­ugpitan        din  ne  ­agad  la­ak  kayu      
  Lexemes: kulibul=-en   din  te  ­eg- =­ugpit=-an   din  ne  ­agad  la­ak  kayu      
  Lex POS: v_rt   =v_aff pron cmk v_aff=n     =v_aff pron lnk conj   n      n         
Lex Gloss: stir   =ObF   3s_F NF  NP   =bolo  =LocF  3s_F LNK though bamboo tree/wood 
 Word POS: v             pron cmk v                  pron lnk conj   n      n         
Wrd Gloss: stir          he   -   trim_with_bolo     he   -   even   bamboo wood      

   Spoken: ne  naayun         ne  igkulibul       din  dutu  su         
   Formal: ne  naayun         ne  igkulibul       din  dutu  su         
 Phonemic: ne  na­ayun        ne  ­igkulibul      din  dutu  su         
  Lexemes: ne  nA-  =­ayun    ne  ­ig-   =kulibul din  dutu  su         
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_rt     lnk v_aff  =v_rt    pron dem   conj       
Lex Gloss: LNK P_ObF=possible LNK NP_AccF=stir    3s_F there because/so 
 Word POS: lnk v              lnk v               pron dem   conj       
Wrd Gloss: -   possible       -   stir            he   there because    

   Spoken: igtaluheram             ke   warad          e    malibusen    ne  
   Formal: igtaluheram             ke   warad          e    malibusen    ne  
 Phonemic: ­igtalugedam            ke   wadad          ­e   malibusen    ne  
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =talugedam       ke   wade­=-d       ­e   mA1-=libusen ne  
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt            conj adv  =nonv_aff part aff =adj_rt  lnk 
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=check_if_cooked if   no   =COMPL    COMP ADJR=round   LNK 
 Word POS: v                       conj adt            part adj          lnk 
Wrd Gloss: check_if_cooked         if   no_more        COMP round        -   

   Spoken: timehe,     naamin        e    natunew.    
   Formal: timehe      naamin        e    natunew     
 Phonemic: timege­     na­amin       ­e   natunew     
  Lexemes: timege­     nA-  =­amin   ­e   nA-  =tunew 
  Lex POS: n           v_aff=v_rt    part v_aff=v_rt  
Lex Gloss: lead/sinker P_ObF=consume COMP P_ObF=melt  
 Word POS: n           v             part v           
Wrd Gloss: lead        used_up       COMP melted      

He stirs it with a cut piece of even bamboo or wood it is possible to use to stir there to test if there are no more round pieces of lead, it is all melted.

He stirs it using a shaped piece of bamboo or wood to check that no round pieces of lead remain - it has all melted.

MU227001 029

   Spoken: Egkanengnengan                    din  ne  warad          malibusen    
   Formal: Egkanengnengan                    din  ne  warad          malibusen    
 Phonemic: ­egkane¥ne¥an                     din  ne  wadad          malibusen    
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =ne¥ne¥         =-an   din  ne  wade­=-d       mA1-=libusen 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt           =v_aff pron lnk adv  =nonv_aff aff =adj_rt  
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=know/understand=LocF  3s_F LNK no   =COMPL    ADJR=round   
 Word POS: v                                 pron lnk adt            adj          
Wrd Gloss: understand                        he   -   no_more        round        

   Spoken: ig-ilis       din  e    seeye      se  lata.     
   Formal: ig-ilis       din  e    seeye      se  lata      
 Phonemic: ­ig­ilis      din  ­e   se­eye­    se  lata      
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =­ilis din  ­e   se­eye­    se  lata      
  Lex POS: v_aff  =prep  pron part dem        cmk n         
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=side  3s_F COMP that_there F   large_can 
 Word POS: v             pron part pron       cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: move_to_side  he   COMP there      the large_can 

Once he knows that there is no more round bits, he moves that can to the side.

Once he knows that there are no more round bits, he moves the can to the side (off the fire).

MU227001 030

   Spoken: Egkuwa     te  sipit ne  eyew    igsipit         te  lata.     
   Formal: Egkuwa     te  sipit ne  eyew    igsipit         te  lata      
 Phonemic: ­egkua     te  sipit ne  ­eyew   ­igsipit        te  lata      
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kua  te  sipit ne  ­eyew   ­ig-   =sipit   te  lata      
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt cmk n     lnk conj    v_aff  =n       cmk n         
Lex Gloss: NP   =get  NF  tongs LNK so_that NP_AccF=tongs   NF  large_can 
 Word POS: v          cmk n     lnk conj    v               cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: take       -   tongs -   so_that grab_with_tongs -   large_can 

He gets tongs to grab the large can.

He gets (bamboo) tongs to grab the large can.

Usually they are made from "bagtek" bamboo.

MU227001 031

   Spoken: Su         sikas    lata,     nen tahuan                te  timehe      
   Formal: su         sika se  lata      ne  intahuan              te  timehe      
 Phonemic: su         sika#se  lata      ne  ­intagu­an            te  timege­     
  Lexemes: su         sika#se  lata      ne  ­iN-  =tagu­   =-an   te  timege­     
  Lex POS: conj       pron#cmk n         lnk v_aff =v_rt    =v_aff cmk n           
Lex Gloss: because/so that#F   large_can LNK P_AccF=put_away=LocF  NF  lead/sinker 
 Word POS: conj       pron#cmk n         lnk v                     cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: because    that#the large_can -   stored                -   lead        

   Spoken: meinit.     
   Formal: meinit      
 Phonemic: me­init     
  Lexemes: mA1-=­init  
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=hot    
 Word POS: adj         
Wrd Gloss: hot         

Because that can that has the lead in it, is hot.

The can containing the lead is hot.

Usually 'tahuan' (container) is not marked for tense.

MU227001 032

   Spoken: Keneg kaayun               neg gen-genan          sug        
   Formal: kene  egkaayun             ne  eggen-genan        su         
 Phonemic: kene­ ­egka­ayun           ne  ­eggengenan        su         
  Lexemes: kene­ ­eg- =kA1- =­ayun    ne  ­eg- =gengen=-an   su         
  Lex POS: adv   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     lnk v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff conj       
Lex Gloss: not   NP   =INVOL=possible LNK NP   =hold  =LocF  because/so 
 Word POS: adv   v                    lnk v                  conj       
Wrd Gloss: not   possible             -   hold               because    

   Spoken: keilangan       e    neg sipiten.          
   Formal: egkeilangan     e    ne  egsipiten         
 Phonemic: ­egke­ila¥an    ­e   ne  ­egsipiten        
  Lexemes: ­eg- =ke­ila¥an ­e   ne  ­eg- =sipit=-en   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt      part lnk v_aff=n    =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: NP   =need      COMP LNK NP   =tongs=ObF   
 Word POS: v               part lnk v                 
Wrd Gloss: need            COMP -   hold_with_tongs   

It's not possible to hold it because you need to hold it with tongs.

You can't hold it (with your hand) but you need tongs.

Matigsalug can make a statement like: 'It is not long because it is short' but an idiomatic translation requires 'su' to be translated as 'but' rather than 'because'.

MU227001 033

   Spoken: Sipiten         din  e    seeye      se  lata      ne  
   Formal: sipiten         din  e    seeye      se  lata      ne  
 Phonemic: sipiten         din  ­e   se­eye­    se  lata      ne  
  Lexemes: sipit=-en       din  ­e   se­eye­    se  lata      ne  
  Lex POS: n    =v_aff     pron part dem        cmk n         lnk 
Lex Gloss: tongs=ObF       3s_F COMP that_there F   large_can LNK 
 Word POS: v               pron part pron       cmk n         lnk 
Wrd Gloss: hold_with_tongs he   COMP there      the large_can -   

   Spoken: ig-itis                   e    ka  timehe      diye  te  
   Formal: ig-itis                   e    ka  timehe      diye  te  
 Phonemic: ­ig­itis                  ­e   ka2 timege­     die­  te  
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =­itis             ­e   ka2 timege­     die­  te  
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt              part cmk n           dem   cmk 
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=sprinkle_(liquid) COMP F   lead/sinker there NF  
 Word POS: v                         part cmk n           dem   cmk 
Wrd Gloss: sprinkle_(liquid)         COMP the lead        there in  

   Spoken: nanlungahan            din  ne  kayu.     
   Formal: nanlungahan            din  ne  kayu      
 Phonemic: nanlu¥agan             din  ne  kayu      
  Lexemes: naN-      =lu¥ag=-an   din  ne  kayu      
  Lex POS: v_aff     =n    =v_aff pron lnk n         
Lex Gloss: P_DIST    =hole =LocF  3s_F LNK tree/wood 
 Word POS: v                      pron lnk n         
Wrd Gloss: holed                  he   -   wood      

He holds the can with tongs and sprinkles the lead there in the holes he made in the wood.

He picks up the can with tongs and pours the lead into the holes that he had made in the piece of wood.

MU227001 034

   Spoken: Ig-itis                   e    atulen          ka  me     lungag ke   
   Formal: Ig-itis                   e    atulen          ka  me     lungag ke   
 Phonemic: ­ig­itis                  ­e   ­atulen         ka2 me1    lu¥ag  ke   
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =­itis             ­e   ­atul    =-en   ka2 me1    lu¥ag  ke   
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt              part v_rt     =v_aff cmk adt    n      conj 
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=sprinkle_(liquid) COMP reach-all=ObF   F   PLURAL hole   if   
 Word POS: v                         part v               cmk adt    n      conj 
Wrd Gloss: sprinkle_(liquid)         COMP enough_for_all  the -      hole   if   

   Spoken: sapulu  ka      lungag atulen          iya  teg panahu               
   Formal: sapulu  ka      lungag atulen          iya  te  egpanahu             
 Phonemic: sapulu­ ka1     lu¥ag  ­atulen         ­ia  te  ­egpanagu­           
  Lexemes: sapulu­ ka1     lu¥ag  ­atul    =-en   ­ia  te  ­eg- =paN- =tagu­    
  Lex POS: num     pron    n      v_rt     =v_aff part cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: ten     2s_F    hole   reach-all=ObF   that NF  NP   =DISTR=put_away 
 Word POS: num     pron    n      v               part cmk v                    
Wrd Gloss: ten     you(sg) hole   enough_for_all  that -   put_all_around       

   Spoken: sika. 
   Formal: sika  
 Phonemic: sika  
  Lexemes: sika  
  Lex POS: pron  
Lex Gloss: that  
 Word POS: pron  
Wrd Gloss: that  

Sprinkle it into all of the holes, if there are ten holes, distribute that all around.

Pour it into all of the holes; if there are ten, fill them all.

MU227001 035

   Spoken: Naamin        sika se  lungag pakehalem          pad    man-e. 
   Formal: Naamin        sika se  lungag pakehalen          pad    man-e  
 Phonemic: na­amin       sika se  lu¥ag  pakegalen          pad    man­e  
  Lexemes: nA-  =­amin   sika se  lu¥ag  pA-  =kegal =-en   pad    man­e  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt    pron cmk n      v_aff=adj_rt=v_aff part   adv    
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=consume that F   hole   CAUS =hard  =ObF   INCOMP again  
 Word POS: v             pron cmk n      v                  part   adv    
Wrd Gloss: used_up       that the hole   make_strong        still  again  

Once all the holes are used up, make it hard again.

Once all the holes are done, let it become hard again.

I'm surprised at the causative prefix in this sentence because the lead of course hardens by itself. The effective meaning is to allow it to harden by putting it aside as confirmed in the next sentence. It seems more like an "involuntary" aspect here.

MU227001 036

   Spoken: Igtahu           pad    man-e te  amey   ni              Amadu  taman     
   Formal: Igtahu           pad    man-e te  amey   ni              Amadu  taman     
 Phonemic: ­igtagu­         pad    man­e te  ­amey  ni              ­amadu taman     
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =tagu­    pad    man­e te  ­amey  ni              ­amadu taman     
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt     part   adv   cmk n      cmk             prop_n adv       
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=put_away INCOMP again NF  father NF(II)_PERS(sg) Amadu  until     
 Word POS: v                part   adv   cmk n      cmk             prop_n ?         
Wrd Gloss: put_away         still  again -   father of              Amadu  as_far_as 

   Spoken: te  me    midya  buwa  te  uras  human din  eg-pitawa.          
   Formal: te  me    midya  buwa  te  uras  human din  eg-pitawa           
 Phonemic: te  me2   midya  bua   te  ­udas human din  ­egpitawa           
  Lexemes: te  me2   midya  bua   te  ­udas human din  ­eg- =pitew=-a      
  Lex POS: cmk adt   adj    part  cmk n     conj  pron v_aff=v_rt =v_aff   
Lex Gloss: NF  about half   maybe NF  hour  until 3s_F NP   =look =UnA_ObF 
 Word POS: cmk adt   adj    part  cmk n     conj  pron v                   
Wrd Gloss: to  about middle maybe of  time  until he   look_at             

The father of Amadu puts it away again for about perhaps half an hour until he looks at it.

Amadu's father puts it away for about perhaps half-an-hour until he looks at it.

MU227001 037

   Spoken: Egtinduken                       din  ma       te  makehal     e    human 
   Formal: Egtinduken                       din  ma       te  makehal     e    human 
 Phonemic: ­egtinduken                      din  ma­      te  makegal     ­e   human 
  Lexemes: ­eg- =tinduk              =-en   din  mani­a   te  mA1-=kegal  ­e   human 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt                =v_aff pron ques     cmk aff =adj_rt part conj  
Lex Gloss: NP   =touch_with_fingertip=ObF   3s_F why      NF  ADJR=hard   COMP until 
 Word POS: v                                pron int_pron cmk adj         part conj  
Wrd Gloss: touch_with_fingertip             he   why      -   hard        COMP until 

   Spoken: din  egderakdak          din  e    seeye      se  kayu      ne  
   Formal: din  egderakdak          din  e    seeye      se  kayu      ne  
 Phonemic: din  ­egdedakdak         din  ­e   se­eye­    se  kayu      ne  
  Lexemes: din  ­eg- =rdpCV-=dakdak din  ­e   se­eye­    se  kayu      ne  
  Lex POS: pron v_aff=v_aff =v_rt   pron part dem        cmk n         lnk 
Lex Gloss: 3s_F NP   =-     =tap    3s_F COMP that_there F   tree/wood LNK 
 Word POS: pron v                   pron part dem        cmk n         lnk 
Wrd Gloss: he   tap                 he   COMP there      the wood      -   

   Spoken: manipis.    
   Formal: manipis     
 Phonemic: manipis     
  Lexemes: mA1-=nipis  
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=thin   
 Word POS: adj         
Wrd Gloss: thin        

He touches it with his fingertip until hard until he taps that thin wood.

He presses it with his fingertip to see if it is hard and then he taps the thin piece of wood.

MU227001 038

   Spoken: Na          meyi egkekatahak                        e    seeye      se  
   Formal: Na          meyi egkekatahak                        e    seeye      se  
 Phonemic: na          mei­ ­egkekatagak                       ­e   se­eye­    se  
  Lexemes: na          mei­ ­eg- =rdpCV-=kA1- =tagak           ­e   se­eye­    se  
  Lex POS: conj        conj v_aff=v_aff =v_aff=v_rt            part dem        cmk 
Lex Gloss: exclamation if   NP   =-     =INVOL=drop_out_botton COMP that_there F   
 Word POS: conj        conj v                                  part dem        cmk 
Wrd Gloss: so          if   drop_out_bottom                    COMP there      the 

   Spoken: timehe      pamesuken            din  e    man-e ka  kalan       ne  
   Formal: timehe      pamesuken            din  e    man-e ka  kalan       ne  
 Phonemic: timege­     pamesuken            din  ­e   man­e ka2 kalan       ne  
  Lexemes: timege­     paN- =pesuk   =-en   din  ­e   man­e ka2 kalan       ne  
  Lex POS: n           v_aff=v_rt    =v_aff pron part adv   cmk n           lnk 
Lex Gloss: lead/sinker DISTR=pull_out=ObF   3s_F COMP again F   cogon_grass LNK 
 Word POS: n           v                    pron part adv   cmk n           lnk 
Wrd Gloss: lead        pull_out             he   COMP again the cogon_grass -   

   Spoken: impatalu          kayi te  timehe.     
   Formal: impatalu          kayi te  timehe      
 Phonemic: ­impatalu         kai  te  timege­     
  Lexemes: ­iN-  =pa-  =talu kai  te  timege­     
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_aff=v_rt dem  cmk n           
Lex Gloss: P_AccF=CAUS =join here NF  lead/sinker 
 Word POS: v                 dem  cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: left_in           here in  lead        

And if that lead drops out the bottom he pulls out again the cogon grass that was left here in the lead.

And if the lead drops out he pulls out the cogon grass that was left inside the lead.

MU227001 039

   Spoken: Su       eyew ka  sikas    timehe      due      regma lungag ne  
   Formal: su eyew  -    ka  sika se  timehe      due      regma lungag ne  
 Phonemic: su_­eyew -    ka2 sika#se  timege­     du­e1    degma lu¥ag  ne  
  Lexemes: su_­eyew -    ka2 sika#se  timege­     du­e1    degma lu¥ag  ne  
  Lex POS: conj     -    cmk pron#cmk n           psd_v    adt   n      lnk 
Lex Gloss: so_that  -    F   that#F   lead/sinker there_is also  hole   LNK 
 Word POS: conj     -    cmk pron#cmk n           psd_v    adt   n      lnk 
Wrd Gloss: so_that  -    the that#the lead        there_is also  hole   -   

   Spoken: igbaye        te  kalan.      
   Formal: igbaye        te  kalan       
 Phonemic: ­igbaye­      te  kalan       
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =baye­ te  kalan       
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt  cmk n           
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=pass  NF  cogon_grass 
 Word POS: v             cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: travel_path   by  cogon_grass 

So that that lead has a hole also that the cogon grass had been in.

So that the lead also has a hole when the cogon grass had been.

Notice 'ka sika'. I'm not sure that would be considered grammatically correct in formal speech.

MU227001 040

   Spoken: Ne  eyew    egkaamin            teg pamesuk              seeye      se  
   Formal: Ne  eyew    egkaamin            te  egpamesuk            seeye      se  
 Phonemic: ne  ­eyew   ­egka­amin          te  ­egpamesuk           se­eye­    se  
  Lexemes: ne  ­eyew   ­eg- =kA1- =­amin   te  ­eg- =paN- =pesuk    se­eye­    se  
  Lex POS: lnk conj    v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     dem        cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK so_that NP   =INVOL=consume NF  NP   =DISTR=pull_out that_there F   
 Word POS: lnk conj    v                   cmk v                    dem        cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   so_that use_up              -   fall_out_bottom      there      the 

   Spoken: kalan       egpanlubid         e    sikandin neg peikulan                  
   Formal: kalan       egpanlubid         e    sikandin ne  egpeikulan                
 Phonemic: kalan       ­egpanlubid        ­e   sikandin ne  ­egpe­ikulan              
  Lexemes: kalan       ­eg- =paN- =lubid  ­e   sikandin ne  ­eg- =pA-    =­ikul=-an   
  Lex POS: n           v_aff=v_aff=n      part pron     lnk v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: cogon_grass NP   =DISTR=string COMP 3s_F     LNK NP   =CAUS   =learn=LocF  
 Word POS: n           v                  part pron     lnk v                         
Wrd Gloss: cogon_grass make_rope          COMP he       -   cause_to_copy             

   Spoken: e    teg tiyuk        te  lubid  ka  sikas    lungag te  timehe      ne  
   Formal: e    te  egtiyuk      te  lubid  ka  sika se  lungag te  timehe      ne  
 Phonemic: ­e   te  ­egtiuk      te  lubid  ka2 sika#se  lu¥ag  te  timege­     ne  
  Lexemes: ­e   te  ­eg- =tiuk   te  lubid  ka2 sika#se  lu¥ag  te  timege­     ne  
  Lex POS: part cmk v_aff=v_rt   cmk n      cmk pron#cmk n      cmk n           lnk 
Lex Gloss: COMP NF  NP   =pierce NF  string F   that#F   hole   NF  lead/sinker LNK 
 Word POS: part cmk v            cmk n      cmk pron#cmk n      cmk n           lnk 
Wrd Gloss: COMP -   pierce       -   string the that#the hole   -   sinker      -   

   Spoken: impabayaan                 te  kalan.      
   Formal: impabayaan                 te  kalan       
 Phonemic: ­impabaya­an               te  kalan       
  Lexemes: ­iN-  =pA-    =baye­=-an   te  kalan       
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_aff  =v_rt =v_aff cmk n           
Lex Gloss: P_AccF=CAUS   =pass =LocF  NF  cogon_grass 
 Word POS: v                          cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: path_travelled             by  cogon_grass 

And so that all of that cogon grass falls out, he makes string and makes it follow, piercing that hole in the lead where the cogon had travelled.

And to get all of the cogon grass out, he makes some string and works it through the hole in the lead where the cogon grass had been.

MU227001 041

   Spoken: Keimpusan       din  teg tunew       seeye      se  sabeka ne  kilu     
   Formal: Keimpusan       din  te  egtunew     seeye      se  sabeka ne  kilu     
 Phonemic: ke­impusan      din  te  ­egtunew    se­eye­    se  sabeka ne  kilu     
  Lexemes: kA><an-=­impus  din  te  ­eg- =tunew se­eye­    se  sabeka ne  kilu     
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt    pron cmk v_aff=v_rt  dem        cmk num    lnk n        
Lex Gloss: NOM    =finish  3s_F NF  NP   =melt  that_there F   one    LNK kilogram 
 Word POS: v               pron cmk v           dem        cmk adj    lnk n        
Wrd Gloss: having_finished he   -   melt        there      the one    -   kilogram 

   Spoken: nekey naam       pad    iya  te  igpamitin           din  e    
   Formal: nekey naam       pad    iya  te  igpamitin           din  e    
 Phonemic: nekey na­am      pad    ­ia  te  ­igpamitin          din  ­e   
  Lexemes: nekey na­a   =-N pad    ­ia  te  ­ig-   =pA-  =bitin din  ­e   
  Lex POS: pron  part   =– part   part cmk v_aff  =v_aff=v_rt  pron part 
Lex Gloss: what  so/then=– INCOMP that NF  NP_AccF=CAUS =tie   3s_F COMP 
 Word POS: pron  adt        part   part cmk v                   pron part 
Wrd Gloss: what  so_then    still  that -   cause_to_hang       he   COMP 

   Spoken: iglingut         kayi te  biyale   sise       timehe.     
   Formal: iglingut         kayi te  biyale   si     se  timehe      
 Phonemic: ­igli¥ut         kai  te  biale­   se­ini#se  timege­     
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =li¥ut    kai  te  biale­   se­ini#se  timege­     
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt     dem  cmk n        pron  #cmk n           
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=surround here NF  fish_net this  #F   lead/sinker 
 Word POS: v                dem  cmk n        pron  #cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: surround         here -   fish_net this  #the sinker      

Once he has finished melting that one kilo of lead, next he ties this lead surrounding the net here.

Once he has finished melting the kilo of lead, he ties the sinkers around the bottom of the net.

MU227001 042

   Spoken: Ne  ka  seeye      degmas    biyale   egmabehat         e.    
   Formal: Ne  ka  seeye      degma se  biyale   egmabehat         e     
 Phonemic: ne  ka2 se­eye­    degma#se  biale­   ­egmabegat        ­e    
  Lexemes: ne  ka2 se­eye­    degma#se  biale­   ­eg- =mA1-=begat  ­e    
  Lex POS: lnk cmk dem        adt  #cmk n        v_aff=aff =adj_rt adv   
Lex Gloss: LNK F   that_there also #F   fish_net NP   =ADJR=heavy  COMPL 
 Word POS: lnk cmk dem        adt  #cmk n        v                 adv   
Wrd Gloss: -   the there      also #the fish_net become_heavy      COMPL 

And that net also, becomes heavy.

As so this net becomes heavy.

Maybe 'ka sika' is ok because here is 'ka seeye'.

MU227001 043

   Spoken: Nahud nu        pa      iya  se  meyi egguhab           si         anggam 
   Formal: Nahud nu        pa      iya  se  meyi egguhab           si         anggam 
 Phonemic: nahud nu        pa      ­ia  se  mei­ ­eghugab          si         ­a¥gam 
  Lexemes: nahud nu        pa      ­ia  se  mei­ ­eg- =hugab       si         ­a¥gam 
  Lex POS: adt   pron      adt     part cmk conj v_aff=v_rt        cmk        n      
Lex Gloss: ***   2s_NF(II) INCOMPL that F   if   NP   =first_catch F_PERS(sg) uncle  
 Word POS: adt   pron      adt     part cmk conj v                 cmk        n      
Wrd Gloss: ***   you(sg)   still   that the if   first_catch       -          uncle  

   Spoken: ne  minsan   dakel    ka  ngalap      kene  egpanalad              
   Formal: ne  minsan   dakel    ka  ngalap      kene  egpanalad              
 Phonemic: ne  minsan   dakel    ka2 ¥alap       kene­ ­egpanalad             
  Lexemes: ne  minsan   dakel    ka2 ¥alap       kene­ ­eg- =paN- =talad      
  Lex POS: lnk conj     adj      cmk n           adv   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt       
Lex Gloss: LNK even     big/many F   animal/meat not   NP   =DISTR=divide_out 
 Word POS: lnk conj     adj      cmk n           adv   v                      
Wrd Gloss: -   although big      the fish        won't share_out              

   Spoken: sug        kakuwa           keg  karedeetan                      ka  
   Formal: su         egkakuwa         ke   egkaredeetan                    ka  
 Phonemic: su         ­egkakua         ke   ­egkadede­etan                  ka2 
  Lexemes: su         ­eg- =kA1- =kua  ke   ­eg- =kA1- =rdpCV-=de­et =-an   ka2 
  Lex POS: conj       v_aff=v_aff=v_rt conj v_aff=v_aff=v_aff =adj_rt=v_aff cmk 
Lex Gloss: because/so NP   =INVOL=get  if   NP   =INVOL=-     =bad   =LocF  F   
 Word POS: conj       v                conj v                               cmk 
Wrd Gloss: because    get              if   become_ruined                   the 

   Spoken: biyale.  
   Formal: biyale   
 Phonemic: biale­   
  Lexemes: biale­   
  Lex POS: n        
Lex Gloss: fish_net 
 Word POS: n        
Wrd Gloss: fish_net 

And when he makes his first catch, even if there is a lot of fish, he won't share it out because he will get it if the net becomes ruined.

And when he makes his first catch, even if there is a lot of fish, he won't share it out because he will get it if the net becomes ruined.

What does "nahud" mean here?

Maybe this catch is preserved. I don't really understand how it can provide any insurance for the net become ruined in the future.

MU227001 044

   Spoken: Su         iyang kun        igkeupii                      ne  eyewg   
   Formal: su         iyan  kun        igkeupii                      ne  eyew    
 Phonemic: su         ­ian  kun        ­igke­upi­i                   ne  ­eyew   
  Lexemes: su         ­ian  kun        ­ig-   =kA1- =­upi­ =-i       ne  ­eyew   
  Lex POS: conj       dem   adt        v_aff  =v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff    lnk conj    
Lex Gloss: because/so that  it_is_said NP_AccF=INVOL=desire=UnA_LocF LNK so_that 
 Word POS: conj       dem   adt        v                             lnk conj    
Wrd Gloss: because    that  quotative  like                          -   so_that 

   Spoken: seup         egngengalap              seeye      se  biyale   dakel    
   Formal: egseup       egngengalap              seeye      se  biyale   dakel    
 Phonemic: ­egse­up     ­eg¥e¥alap               se­eye­    se  biale­   dakel    
  Lexemes: ­eg- =se­up  ­eg- =rdpCV-=¥alap       se­eye­    se  biale­   dakel    
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt?  v_aff=v_aff =n           dem        cmk n        adj      
Lex Gloss: NP   =repeat NP   =-     =animal/meat that_there F   fish_net big/many 
 Word POS: v            v                        dem        cmk n        adj      
Wrd Gloss: repeat       go_fishing               there      the fish_net big      

   Spoken: e    seg kasapenan               human pad    egpanalad              ke   
   Formal: e    se  egkasapenan             human pad    egpanalad              ke   
 Phonemic: ­e   se  ­egkasapenan            human pad    ­egpanalad             ke   
  Lexemes: ­e   se  ­eg- =kA1- =sapen=-an   human pad    ­eg- =paN- =talad      ke   
  Lex POS: part cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt =v_aff conj  part   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt       conj 
Lex Gloss: COMP F   NP   =INVOL=catch=LocF  until INCOMP NP   =DISTR=divide_out if   
 Word POS: part cmk v                       conj  part   v                      conj 
Wrd Gloss: COMP the grasp                   until still  share_out              if   

   Spoken: hentew se  duma      rin. 
   Formal: hentew se  duma      rin  
 Phonemic: hentew se  duma      din  
  Lexemes: hentew se  duma      din  
  Lex POS: pron   cmk adj       pron 
Lex Gloss: who    F   other     3s_F 
 Word POS: pron   cmk n         pron 
Wrd Gloss: who    the companion his  

Because they say that he wants that if he repeats fishing with that net, the catch will be big and then he will share it with whoever is his companion.

Because they say that he wants to get a big catch next time he goes fishing and will share it with whoever is his companion.

MU227001 045

   Spoken: Su       eyew kun        kene  egkasuwayan                wey  kene  
   Formal: su eyew  -    kun        kene  egkasuwayan                wey  kene  
 Phonemic: su_­eyew -    kun        kene­ ­egkasuayan                wey  kene­ 
  Lexemes: su_­eyew -    kun        kene­ ­eg- =kA1- =suey    =-an   wey  kene­ 
  Lex POS: conj     -    adt        adv   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    =v_aff conj adv   
Lex Gloss: so_that  -    it_is_said not   NP   =INVOL=separate=LocF  and  not   
 Word POS: conj     -    adt        adv   v                          conj adv   
Wrd Gloss: so_that  -    quotative  don't become_separated           and  don't 

   Spoken: egkaredeetan                    seeye      se  biyale.  
   Formal: egkaredeetan                    seeye      se  biyale   
 Phonemic: ­egkadede­etan                  se­eye­    se  biale­   
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =rdpCV-=de­et =-an   se­eye­    se  biale­   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_aff =adj_rt=v_aff dem        cmk n        
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=-     =bad   =LocF  that_there F   fish_net 
 Word POS: v                               dem        cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: become_ruined                   there      the fish_net 

So that, they say, the net doesn't become separated and doesn't get ruined.

So that, the net won't get lost or ruined.

"egkasuwayan" has an intricate cultural meaning which can not easily be expressed in English. Document this further.

MU227001 046

   Spoken: Eyew    tagse      egngengalap              dakel    ded           
   Formal: eyew    tagse      egngengalap              dakel    ded           
 Phonemic: ­eyew   tagse­     ­eg¥e¥alap               dakel    ded           
  Lexemes: ­eyew   tagse­     ­eg- =rdpCV-=¥alap       dakel    de­ =-d       
  Lex POS: conj    adj        v_aff=v_aff =n           adj      part=nonv_aff 
Lex Gloss: so_that each/every NP   =-     =animal/meat big/many only=COMPL    
 Word POS: conj    adj        v                        adj      part          
Wrd Gloss: so_that every      go_fishing               big      just_COMPL    

   Spoken: kag keutel             ne  ngalap.     
   Formal: ka  egkeutel           ne  ngalap      
 Phonemic: ka2 ­egke­utel         ne  ¥alap       
  Lexemes: ka2 ­eg- =kA1- =­utel  ne  ¥alap       
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt   lnk n           
Lex Gloss: F   NP   =INVOL=obtain LNK animal/meat 
 Word POS: cmk v                  lnk n           
Wrd Gloss: the able_to_catch      -   fish        

So that each time he goes fishing, he will catch many fish.

So that each time he goes fishing, he will catch many fish.

MU227001 047

   Spoken: Ne  meyi egkaredeetan                    warad          ngalap      neg 
   Formal: Ne  meyi egkaredeetan                    warad          ngalap      ne  
 Phonemic: ne  mei­ ­egkadede­etan                  wadad          ¥alap       ne  
  Lexemes: ne  mei­ ­eg- =kA1- =rdpCV-=de­et =-an   wade­=-d       ¥alap       ne  
  Lex POS: lnk conj v_aff=v_aff=v_aff =adj_rt=v_aff adv  =nonv_aff n           lnk 
Lex Gloss: LNK if   NP   =INVOL=-     =bad   =LocF  no   =COMPL    animal/meat LNK 
 Word POS: lnk conj v                               adt            n           lnk 
Wrd Gloss: -   if   become_ruined                   no_more        fish        -   

   Spoken: keutel             minsan     pad seg kaapunang                   
   Formal: egkeutel           minsan pad -   se  egkaapunan                  
 Phonemic: ­egke­utel         minsan_pad -   se  ­egkahapunan                
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =­utel  minsan_pad -   se  ­eg- =kA1- =hapun    =-an   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt   conj       -   cmk v_aff=v_aff=n_rt     =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=obtain even_if    -   F   NP   =INVOL=afternoon=LocF  
 Word POS: v                  conj       -   cmk v                           
Wrd Gloss: able_to_catch      even_if    -   the become_afternoon            

   Spoken: kad           seg pamiyale             warad          iya  
   Formal: kad           se  egpamiyale           warad          iya  
 Phonemic: kad           se  ­egpamiale­          wadad          ­ia  
  Lexemes: ka2=-d        se  ­eg- =paN- =biale­   wade­=-d       ­ia  
  Lex POS: cmk=nonv_aff  cmk v_aff=v_aff=n        adv  =nonv_aff part 
Lex Gloss: F  =COMPL     F   NP   =DISTR=fish_net no   =COMPL    that 
 Word POS: pron          cmk v                    adt            part 
Wrd Gloss: you(sg)_COMPL the go_fishing           no_more        that 

   Spoken: egkeutel           su         naredeetan                ka  biyale.  
   Formal: egkeutel           su         naredeetan                ka  biyale   
 Phonemic: ­egke­utel         su         nadede­etan               ka2 biale­   
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =­utel  su         nA-  =rdpCV-=de­et =-an   ka2 biale­   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt   conj       v_aff=***   =adj_rt=v_aff cmk n        
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=obtain because/so P_ObF=***   =bad   =LocF  F   fish_net 
 Word POS: v                  conj       v                         cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: able_to_catch      because    became_ruined             the fish_net 

And if it becomes ruined, you won't catch any fish, even if you fish the whole day, you won't catch any fish because the net is ruined.

And if it becomes ruined, you won't catch any fish; even if you fish the whole day, you won't catch any fish because the net is ruined.

MU227001 048

   Spoken: Kayi re   taman     ka  keddi      ne  pangguhuren.           
   Formal: Kayi re   taman     ka  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            
 Phonemic: kai  de­  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  pa¥guguden             
  Lexemes: kai  de­  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  paN- =gugud     =-en   
  Lex POS: dem  part adv       cmk pron       lnk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: here only until     F   1s_NF(III) LNK DISTR=tell_story=ObF   
 Word POS: dem  part ?         cmk poss_pron  lnk v                      
Wrd Gloss: here just as_far_as the my         -   story                  

Just here ends my story.

And that ends my story.

A conventional ending.